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Report Thread #817834
#817834 - What's the name of this porn star?
by Guest975344 8 years, 9 months ago
Jane, is what it sounds like the guy calls her at approximately 37:51 in the linked clip. Either Jane or Jean, but it kinda sounds more like Jane to my ears. Well, the blonde is Kaylynn Kennedy and the Hispanic looking Jane (or whatever her name is) is not listed on the page for the DVD entitled, College Rules 5 (2012, Morally Corrupt). It's not Shereese Blaze, who is also credited on the film, nor the other females credited. So, perhaps this was her only porn movie. She has a small tattoo of a bird of some type on the right side of her lower abdomen visible in the above picture, and in the clip, and she also has a larger tattoo of some winged creature on her back (left shoulder blade). I'll attach the best image of the tattoo on her back to this message for reference and here's a link to the video clip - her part starts at about 25:28 and runs to about 37:54
funkydude - 5 years, 4 months ago
1 point - thanks
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