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Report Thread #2992568
#2992568 - Clip name
by FUCK2 5 years, 5 months ago
ChingChing, you may not like black people, and you make just think they are worthless niggers, but they fuck and suck like other people, basically, and their pornos should be appraised and documented like other pornos should be documented. Believing in individual rights means that we believe that people should be able to fuck and suck whoever thou wilt, and if you don't like it then you don't have to watch it. Go watch something else instead. Yet, even if you think black people are worthless niggers, though, one has to admit (and even the muthafuckin' Klan might have to admit) that when Angel Smalls fucks Julio Gomez and his large dong for, that is a crazy scene indeed! And if a Jew directed that joyously raunchy scene, well then, mazel tov! Even Farrakhan's old high yellow ass might even take a break from hating the Jews for a moment and enjoy that raunchy porno!
funkydude - 5 years, 5 months ago
-1 point - 0 thanks
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