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Report Thread #2911815
#2911815 - Either Hungarian or indian
by CirtyDunt 5 years, 7 months ago
As for why a number of Hungarian and Slavic models and porn stars may have similar features to some Indian (Desi) and even Hispanic people: Well, as for the possible Indian (Desi) features, there have been a number of Gypsies in Hungary and certain other parts of Central and Eastern Europe for many centuries now and I don't doubt that is why some of these features can be seen in some models and porn stars. The Gypsies, or Roma (or Romani) people migrated from India to Europe a long time ago, and there's little doubt that some of the tawnier skinned people in Hungary and other places in Europe may be descendants of some of these folks. This may or may not be the case with the above model. As for why some of the Russian / EurAsian models and porn stars have similar looks to some Hispanic people, well, that goes back to the likelihood that a long time ago people from Central and Northern Asia migrated across Alaska into North America and are thus related to Native Americans (and Native Hispanic Americans) of all types. The DNA evidence seems to prove this too. The above model is from Hungary but uses a Hispanic sounding name, likely to appeal to a more diverse audience of possible porn purchasers. Another example of this is the Russian porn star Angel Rivas, who uses a Hispanic sounding name though she is from Russia.
funkydude - 5 years, 3 months ago
0 points - 0 thanks
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