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Report Thread #165053
#165053 - What's the name of this porn star?
by doggy77 10 years, 1 month ago
his name is gabriella, she is from Argentina
styxrush666 - 10 years, 1 month ago
0 points - 0 thanks
Dear Santa, I would like an 18 year old White bitch (blonde preferably) for Christmas this year. I promise to fulfill her fantasy and stick my dick and two dildos in her sweet pink greedy White bitch asshole at the same time. I also promise to let her drain my balls as much as she desires. And because I know how much White bitches just love having fresh cum straight out of the nut sack into their stomachs, I promise to let my White bitch slam my dick to the back of her throat as I'm blowing my load, so she can eat heartily. I'd really love two biological sisters so they can take turn sucking one another's sweet young asshole juices my dick during some balls deep asshole pounding. Thanks Santa, and hurry the fuck up.
FeedChong - 9 years, 8 months ago
0 points - 0 thanks
styxrush666 the blog don't work when you're not invited
west99 - 8 years, 6 months ago
0 points - 0 thanks
styxrush666 the blog don't work when you're not invited
west99 - 8 years, 6 months ago
0 points - 0 thanks
Songül Türkin.
e5c4p3 - 8 years, 4 months ago
0 points - 0 thanks
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